Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

This is where it all started: the birth of Logan, the birth of Wolverine superbly portrayed by one of my most favorite actors-Hugh Jackman.Released in 2009, this is the fourth film in the X-MEN franchise and the first one in The Wolverine trilogy. I will be talking about how this film is a paving stone for all mutant movies released in the future.

Directed by Gavin Hood and produced by Hugh Jackman himself this film is bound to make you fall in love with the character of Wolverine. The pain and suffering that Logan goes through and is depicted in most of the mutant films can be traced back to his origin where we can see why he is this hotheaded killing machine.As a child Logan was forced to kill his own father unknowingly and the sad part is that in the end of the film Logan loses all his memories since his birth – and unfortunately he doesn’t have any idea about his identity ; but there is an unending feeling of grief and longingness inside his mind that he can never understand.

Wolverine’s mutation curses him with an immortal life so he has to watch all the people close to him die one by one and not being able to do anything about it. This film portrays how Wolverine and his brother Victor, played by Liev Schreibe survives against all odds to make a life for themselves. Even Ryan Reynolds has two distinct cameos in the film – no spoilers although I think everyone knows this. Wolverine even has to witness the death of the person he loves by the hands of his brother -unfortunately even this was fake.Why am I narrating all these sad stories about Logan -because that’s who he is ,a survivor ,who even after going through all this doesn’t give up and fights like the entire world’s survival depends on its outcome.Wolverine is a force of nature ,a symbol of existence – more than a superhero. Talking about action sequences ,the film has some kick-ass fight scenes -ones you are bound to fall in love. Wolverine brandishing his claws is a spectacle in itself and moreover you will get to see most of your favorite mutants in action including Gambit, Sabertooth and even Deadpool.

Wolverine sighs

With an IMDb rating of 6.6 it is a must watch for all X-men and Hugh Jackman fans and I personally will definitely recommended it. You can look it up on Amazon prime and I will see you next time with another piece.

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